Mosquitoes know how to choose people to burn

Blood or body odor may be the main reason why someone often gets bitten by mosquitoes than others.

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Picture 1 of Mosquitoes know how to choose people to burn
A mosquito is sucking blood.(Photo: Flickr)

Mosquitoes can be attracted by specific subjects, such as smelly feet, carbon dioxide or body temperature.

Besides, blood groups also attract mosquitoes. According to a study from Japan, people with O blood are twice as likely to be attracted to mosquitoes as people with type A blood. Interestingly, mosquitoes also 'taste' their favorite blood through skin secretions and types. human blood.

However, each person can limit mosquito bites in many different ways. According to experts, the easiest way is to choose clothes colors , because mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothes such as black and violet blue, and they are less attracted to bright colors like white, Khaki, pale colors.

Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and sunset, so be careful with mosquitoes during these times. In addition, there are many non-harmful aromatic oils that repel mosquitoes like a combination of lavender, tea tree oil and citronella oil.