Most people go online to surf the web.

Picture 1 of Most people go online to surf the web. According to a recent study, more than half of today's Internet users are not excited to participate in online activities, but they only read the information posted to them.

Although there are 92% of European websites surveyed by JupiterResearch (USA) encouraging visitors to perform a certain program, more than 53% of Internet users in the continent still browse the web "quietly" and passive.

Only 23% of people connected in the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Spain and Italy responded to online polls or contests and another 24% updated their blogs and posted on websites. , Forum.

The research results of JupiterResearch show that a sudden increase in the content edited by the users currently only comes from a small community - mainly young and male. This situation will create disproportionate impacts on the views of people in general.

Julian Smith, an analyst at JupiterResearch, hopes the speaking community will soon expand further. " With content creation tools, it is easy to post information on personal websites and many other sites, consumers will be more willing to express and share views on the web . besides just going on. contact with articles that are created officially and professionally, "Smith commented.