Mysterious deaths when touching

At the age of 23, the British Lord Kanaphong inherited a huge fortune and decided to use it to search for ancient Egyptian ruins. He left England to live in Egypt, and some comrades began digging.

Mysterious curse in the tomb of Pharaohs

In 1905, he signed with the Egyptian bureau a document of voluntary spending on archeology, giving all the artifacts to the Egyptian Museum, in exchange for the right to dig up the Mimphis desert for scientific purpose. Held for 17 years without results, dissipating almost all of the estate, in 1922, he returned to England, handing over the work to his close friend Ho Tien, a famous archaeologist.

Picture 1 of Mysterious deaths when touching
A tomb is being excavated.

One day, while digging near the old tomb where the thieves were bored, HoVan found a tunnel. He let the worker dig out, it was indeed a tomb . Received the telegraph, the next day, the Expansion Lord left England

No one expected to have such a big treasure ! A tomb is almost intact: All of the objects, wooden boxes, lamps, vases, jars, crafted with exquisite pearls, and bearing the imprint of Emperor Tutakamong. Then, three weeks later, found the tomb of II, 10m away, made of granite, gold and ivory. In February of the following year, it was discovered the third tomb, which was a precious gold palace inlaid with jade, with an emperor's coffin.

Picture 2 of Mysterious deaths when touching The tomb of Pharaons is usually very large because it is considered the palace of the king in the afterlife.

The whole construction site kept silent at such wonders and in a moment they hurriedly pulled up to the ground. Out of the cellar, suddenly Kanaph stroked her cheek as if she had just been burned by something from the grave, but in the fun scene like this, no one noticed it.

In many artifacts obtained, people pay special attention to the coffin of King Pharaong . The coffin was wrapped in layers of cloth to keep the king's body. The final coat is woven in purely sophisticated diamonds, and now has been more than three thousand years old, but the gold thread is still glistening brilliantly. Publications and inscriptions indicate that this is the main owner of the tomb: 18-year-old Tulankhamun Pharaoh , died 35 centuries ago.

Since the discovery of the ancient tomb, the Kanaphong seems to be completely rattled, the insect 's bite has become more and more swollen, aching and unbearable, many days when it is impossible to sleep, the doctors have not moved. On June 4, 45 days after the excavation, Kanaphong died.

Continue to proceed with the remaining steps. He saw the huge coffin still contained within the three small sarcophagus, inlaid with ivory pearls, the same one wrapped in tinsel , then it was Tulankhamun's mummy , the appearance was as good as sleeping, strangely, On the emperor's face, there was a mark like the one that had been stained by a insect. Random or of course? Nobody explained it.

Picture 3 of Mysterious deaths when touching

The surprising thing is: after 1 year, all the participants of the excavation died in turn.

He said: The Egyptians contained uranium in the crypt, using radiation to eliminate those who dared to intrude on the resting place of the Pharaohs. Someone said: the ancient Egyptians had stored a toxin after many centuries of illness to severely treat those who dig ancient tombs. But both of these explanations, no way has been approved by many.

It is known that for Emperor Thien De Thich temple area (Angko Thom and Angko Wat in Cambodia), there is the same situation: French explorers all died after the historical discovery. It seems that the ancient people proved very sacred in the protection of their mystical works. At present, people cannot explain that mysterious phenomenon.