Mysterious post-Covid-19 symptoms in many F0

After recovering from Covid-19, many F0s in the US face a new and tougher battle, which are mysterious symptoms that cannot be explained.

According to research published in the journal Nature Medicine on February 7 by a team of experts at the University of Washington School of Medicine, US, Covid-19 patients have a significant risk of heart disease after one year of nCoV infection. This disease causes the rate of blood clot formation, arrhythmia, heart failure, even stroke, and death to be 4% higher in recovered patients.

It became a mystery to the scientific community when again, like other post-Covid-19 symptoms, they could not find a cause. And even healthy, mildly ill, asymptomatic F0s experience this condition.

Heart rate like "dancing"

Five months after being infected with nCoV, the heart rate of Nicole Murphy, 44 years old, in Wellsville, Ohio, USA, often "dances". Normally, her heart rate is only about 70 or 160, 170 when exercising. But now, even at rest, it spikes to 210 beats per minute, putting Nicole at risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke.

This happens several times an hour, making Nicole "feel like there's a hamster in my chest".

Trouble came when a single mother and daughter tested positive for nCoV on September 5, 2021. Daughter recovered within a few days. But Nicole was seriously ill for about three weeks, many of her symptoms never getting better.

This woman shared that she feels very weak and sometimes has memory problems. Before being infected, she worked 12 hours a day with 3 different jobs. But now, Nicole can only work for about 3-4 hours and then have to rest because she is too tired.

She tried to maintain her health by walking, but she felt lightheaded and out of control. When she went to see the cardiologist, Nicole passed out during the treadmill test.

'I'm constantly living in fear of having a heart attack or a stroke,' she said.

No one can explain why. Nicole has never had any heart problems, her blood pressure is perfect, there are no symptoms of blocked arteries and her heart is still open and contracting very well.

This woman's condition is similar to hundreds of thousands of other F0s who are facing after recovering from Covid-19. Irregular heartbeat becomes a mysterious symptom with F0 in the US, occurring weeks or months after nCoV infection, the risk of becoming a large-scale heart attack crisis and leaving patients living in constant anxiety.

Picture 1 of Mysterious post-Covid-19 symptoms in many F0

Zaza Soriano walked slowly down the stairs because of difficulty breathing after Covid-19.

Similar to Nicole, Zaza Soriano, 32 years old, software engineer from Millersville, Pennsylvania, USA, contracted Covid-19 just before Christmas. She has had 3 doses of the vaccine. However, after Covid-19, this woman's blood pressure was still abnormally high. The diastolic blood pressure at rest even reaches 110 mmHg, much higher than the usual 80 mmHg.

Zaza also suffers from brain fog, and his joints are always aching. 'It's frustrating because we know very little about why these mysterious things happen,' the female patient expressed.

The number one killer in the world

Heart disease is the number one killer in the world, causing 17.9 million deaths a year, accounting for a third of all deaths each year before Covid-19 hit. There is growing evidence of a major impact of Covid-19 on long-term health.

Many studies show that Americans' blood pressure has skyrocketed since the Covid-19 crisis hit. According to research published in December 2021 in the journal Circulation, the average blood pressure of half a million adults in the US (followed from April to December 2020) increases each month.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that to date, more than a million deaths have occurred since the Covid-19 epidemic appeared, exceeding what we have estimated so far. Most patients die from the virus directly, but 30,000 people die from ischemic heart disease and nearly 62,000 people die from hypertension.

Picture 2 of Mysterious post-Covid-19 symptoms in many F0

Cardiovascular problems, blood pressure make F0's recovering from illness like Zaza or Nicole live in constant anxiety. And they don't know why they have these mysterious symptoms. (Photo: Shuran Huang/Washington Post).

When Covid-19 first hit the US in 2020, doctors were surprised by its effect on the heart through the cases they witnessed. A professional athlete with signs of myocarditis or hardening of the heart wall; other patients died of hundreds of small blood clots in major organs; Children rush to the emergency room with an inflammatory response associated with cardiac complications.

Many studies have come to an important conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 can directly attack the heart and blood vessels, in addition to the lungs.

Myocarditis is mostly a transient, functioning or life-threatening problem in only a few cases; blood clotting is more widespread but can often be controlled with blood thinners; Pediatric inflammatory syndrome affects only about 6,400 children out of millions, as of January.

The hypothesis that nCoV infection increases the risk of cardiovascular disease is not new. It has been documented in cases of influenza and other viruses. However, in nCoV, its impact seems to increase many times. According to professor of cardiology Antonio Abbate, Pauley Heart Center, USA, these early and clear cases are a warning for the long-term effects we may see in the future.

As Covid-19 becomes a year-long pandemic, people with initially mild or even asymptomatic illness are flocking to cardiology clinics across the United States.

At Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston, cardiologist Abhijeet Dhoble says they're seeing an increase in cases of arrhythmias, irregular heartbeats, and myocarditis. These patients had previously had Covid-19, were between the ages of 30 and 70, and many had no prior heart disease.

'We see the same phenomenon in many university and hospital clinics,' he said.

According to David Goff, director of the Department of Cardiology at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, this effect could be due to two different processes. nCoV causes direct damage to heart muscle cells, some of which can die, leading to a weaker heart that can no longer pump blood.

The other possibility is that after damage to blood vessels by blood clots and inflammation, the healing process stiffens vessels throughout the body, increasing pressure on the heart. Both of these processes can lead to heart failure over time.

Picture 3 of Mysterious post-Covid-19 symptoms in many F0

Blood pressure and heart rate "dancing" after Covid-19 put the recovered F0s at risk of many dangerous and life-threatening diseases.

According to Professor Ziyad Al-Aly, University of Washington, lead author of the study in the journal Nature Medicine, some people may think 4% is a small number, but, when assessing the severity of the pandemic, That's equivalent to 3 million people in the US experiencing cardiovascular complications from Covid-19.

"Our findings highlight the serious long-term cardiovascular consequences of Covid-19 and the importance of vaccines in preventing heart damage at F0," added Dr. Al-Aly. that US and global officials are still not fully prepared for what is to come around the mysterious post-Covid-19 symptom.

Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, President of the American Heart Association, shared: 'We forecast a tidal wave of cardiovascular events in the coming years due to direct and indirect causes of F0'.

In February 2021, the US National Institutes of Health launched an initiative to examine the causes and treatments for foreskin stenosis, brain fog, exercise fatigue, and heart problems in the United States. some F0. In addition, the American College of Cardiology is also recognizing the serious, long-term effects of Covid-19 with new guidelines, due to be published in March.

However, experts say that there is still a need for more F0 care measures after Covid-19 and a comprehensive change in the health care system, financial support for workers, and settlement of other problems. social consequences in the next few years.

Update 25 February 2022



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