NASA conducted the most difficult experiment in history

NASA said it will use ultrasound technology to explain the rise of space astronauts during their time at the International Space Station.

In a recent report, NASA's space aeronautics agency revealed that astronauts often climb up "to see" after a few months of working in a zero gravity environment and returning to their original height. when returning to Earth.

An ultrasonic device will be placed on the International Space Station's cavity, helping researchers analyze the effect of zero gravity on the astronaut's spine.

Picture 1 of NASA conducted the most difficult experiment in history
In space, astronauts are "tall".

Scott A. Dulchavsky, principal researcher on the International Space Station, said: 'This is the first time an ultrasound device has been used to record changes in the spine. This is also the most difficult experiment in space ever. '

6 members of the International Space Station crew will participate in this study.

In addition to understanding the astronaut's height change phenomenon, the experiment also helps scientists make physical exercises to ensure the best health for astronauts in space and help Astronauts quickly re-integrate life when returning to Earth.