National domain names are more popular than .net

The .com domain is still the most popular with 55 million registrations, followed by .de (German domain name) and .net in third place. .cn (China), .org, .fr (France) .

Picture 1 of National domain names are more popular than .net According to the VeriSign domain operator, the total number of registered domains worldwide by the middle of 2007 reached 138 million, up 31% from a year earlier. Of these, the number of national domain names was 51 million, an increase of 36% compared to mid 2006.

VeriSign currently manages the .com and .net databases, as well as the original server, which is responsible for statistics of all domain names on the Internet. Domains are still considered " keys " to help computers find websites and direct e-mail messages.

The world currently has 267 domain names, most of them are national domain names, starting with .ac (Ascension Island) and ending with .zw (Zimbabwe). The latest tail is .asia.