Netherlands: Hearing the biggest cybercrime case

Considered the largest cybercrime in the Netherlands with more than a million PCs infected with adware and other malicious programs, the two conspirators are being sentenced to prison by the Dutch court.

The police have yet to reveal the names of the two phishers (who distribute spam), only to know that a person is 20 and the other is 28 years old. Both were accused of attacking at least 1 million computers worldwide.

Picture 1 of Netherlands: Hearing the biggest cybercrime case The phisher duo uses a malicious program called "Toxbot", which is actually a worm capable of taking control of the remote computer and recording keyboard tasks.

Dutch judges also sentenced two phishers on charges of threatening an advertising software company called Zango (old name 180Solutions) by a series of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks after a dispute. with money.

It is known that in November 2006, Zango had to make concessions with a sum of 3 million USD to the US Federal Trade Commission after concerns that its software distributors installed illegal programs. User computers, usually by exploiting vulnerabilities in the operating system or Web browser.