New cone-shaped leather frog in Ngoc Linh mountain

Scientists have just announced the discovery of a new species of rare frogs with the outstanding feature of conical skin prickly living in mountainous areas of Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve, Kon Tum province.

The 'thorny' tree frog, about 4-5cm long, is named after Gracixalus lumarius , found only at an altitude of about 1.800m in the Ngoc Linh mountain area.

Picture 1 of New cone-shaped leather frog in Ngoc Linh mountain
The new frog Gracixalus lumarius stands out in pink and yellow colors - (Photo:

According to National Geographic magazine, Dr. Jodi Rowley - Southeast Asian amphibian researcher, works at the Australian Museum of Research (Sydney) - says the new frog species stands out in pink color. and gold and the male body in the dorsal and head regions covered with tiny conical spikes.

Rowley's team discovered the individuals of Gracixalus lumarius when they hid in small tree holes filled with water in the mountains.

Picture 2 of New cone-shaped leather frog in Ngoc Linh mountain
Egg nest of frog Gracixalus lumarius - (Photo:

Ms Rowley believes that conical cones of male frogs - which contain keratin and protein, are like substances that make up rhino horns and human fingernails - beginning to grow during mating season to attract mates.

Habitat loss and climate change are the main threats to this frog.'Now we know there is a new species of frog living on the Ngoc Linh mountain area. So, hopefully, join us in protecting it, ' said Ms Rowley.