Scientists have announced the discovery of three new frog species in Eastern Arc - an ancient mountain range covered by many rain forests and grasslands in Tanzania - one of the countries with the highest biodiversity levels in Europe. Africa.
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Callulina shengena, one of only 3 frog species discovered. (Photo: Mogabay).
All three new frog species are members of the frog genus Callulina. That's frog Callulina laphami, Callulina shengena and Callulina stanleyi .
Discovered in the Journal of Zoology of the Linnean Association, London, he said three new frog species are now living in a small area of the forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains - which are seriously threatened by the situation. people destroy forests and take agricultural land.
Scientists say the three new frog species live under the leaves in the forest during the day, but by dusk they will jump on trees to rest and return to the ground early in the morning.
The researchers recommend that these 3 new frog species should be classified as 'extremely endangered ' in the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red book (IUCN) because their habitat is significantly reduced. Callulina shengena species has the largest life span of only 35 km 2 , while Callulina stanleyi is even more disturbing when it has only 9.7 km 2 .