New discovery of genes related to blood cancer

The September 5 AAP news agency said that people at risk for blood cancer could soon be found and effectively treated thanks to the scientists' findings of recent genotypes. South Australia University.

According to the report of the research team, they discovered GATA2 gene mutation that caused some people to have myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute leukemia (AML) .

GATA2 is a gene that shapes the activity of other genes involved in white blood cells and this is the cause of blood cancer.

Picture 1 of New discovery of genes related to blood cancer

Professor Hamish Scott, Director of the Center for Cancer Research in South Australia, said it was a groundbreaking scientific discovery and important for the treatment and early detection of this dangerous disease.

The discovery of this gene means that people at high risk for blood cancer can be detected, diagnosed and treated earlier.

"The results will also significantly improve survival in patients prone to malignant tumors in the intestine, chest, ovaries," said Professor Scott.

MDS and AML both affect the bone marrow system in the blood and bone. AML is one of the most common forms of acute white blood cells in adults and can cause death in weeks or months if not treated early.

Meanwhile, patients with MDS, a complex form of concentration related to the production of blood cell types, often develop severe anemia and require regular blood transfusions.

Up to one-third of patients infected with this disease are in the AML phase. Current genetic tests allow doctors to detect early leukemia if someone in the family has a "fault" of the GATA2 gene.