When does cancer have genetic factors?

Only a few cancers related to genes inherited from parents to children, but unlike other genetic characteristics such as height, hair color, skin.

The time of cancer has genetic factors

Professor Nguyen Bac Duc, former director of K Hospital (Hanoi), said that only a few cancers are related to genetic genes. Most people with cancer are not genetically related and do not leave the disease for future generations. More fully understood, cancer is a disease caused by gene damage - the genetic material of the cell. There are many causes of gene damage, more than 80% are caused by external factors affecting the body. These gene injuries are not genetic.

Picture 1 of When does cancer have genetic factors?
Increasing exercise, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, avoiding obesity, and quitting smoking . help reduce the risk of cancer.(Photo: Utexas).

According to German professor, less than 10% of the gene damage is available in the body. Genetic damage can be inherited but not inherited for all children of the person with the gene. Only about 50% of children will inherit the genes. Among the children with cancer-producing genes, not all will have cancer. Only a very small percentage will get cancer in their lives.

A few types of cancers have family factors such as breast cancer, colon or intestinal cancer, kidney . If a close relative (parent, sibling) has cancer type This can increase their chances of getting sick. In general, a person's risk of cancer is strongly related to age and risk factors from living habits, environment such as smoking, alcohol abuse, unsafe diets, irrational, physical inactivity, unsafe sex .

The cancer is completely non-infectious from person to person by contact with respiratory cancer or any other cancer.

Cancer occurs in all ages , both adults and children, but most will appear in people over 50 years of age. Every year, about 70,000 people die from cancer, 200,000 new cases and this number is increasing. Of these, 80% of patients came to the hospital for treatment and treatment at a later stage.

The main cancer in men is the lungs, stomach, liver, palate, rectum . The cancer in women is mainly breast, cervix, stomach, lungs, palate . The disease can attack work in any part or organ of the body, most manifest as malignant tumors. Cancer is often a chronic disease, has a long development process through many stages without warning signs before they are discovered. Pain symptoms are only a sign of the late stage of the disease.