New headset lets you chat with people

Some people have the ability to "understand" their pet: They understand what snarling, barking or moaning of the dog mean. If you do not get that feel, go to No More Woof, a set of headphones / microphones that can translate the dog language into English.

Developed by the Nordic Innovation and Inventions Association of NSID, the No More Woof Microphone will read the minds of puppies through the EEG sensor (brain wave reading). NSID says it has compiled some of the most popular thoughts, such as "Hungry," "Tired," and "Want to Go ..." . With a tiny Rasberry Pi computer attached, No More Woof will turn these thoughts into words.

Picture 1 of New headset lets you chat with people

Sorry, this product is just an idea now, and if you participate in No More Woof's campaign on Indiegogo, you will receive a sample development. Compared to social services that can help disabled people and rescue workers "chat" with dogs, No More Woof is still pretty bad.

However, being listened to "Milu" in the house saying "HAPPY! " Would probably be more interesting than "beef " more than once.