New method of absorbing industrial emissions

Chemists from Brazilian Federal University of Minas Gerais have announced the invention of a new method of absorbing CO2 emissions from industrial facilities by installing ceramic filter particles into the chimneys of factories. .

This measure can be applied to metallurgical plants, cement factories, thermal power plants, or small industrial facilities using fuels such as bakeries .

Picture 1 of New method of absorbing industrial emissions

Industrial emissions causing greenhouse effect (Photo: Internet)

Geraldo Migela Lina, a chemistry professor, said that the filter particles are white and about 0.5cm in diameter, absorb CO 2 through a high temperature chemical reaction. Absorption rate depends on temperature factor.

This method has many advantages. The first is the large amount of absorbed CO2. These filter particles are capable of absorbing up to 40% of the surface contact gas with them and the team is trying to raise this ratio to 60%. This is a high index compared to the current common methods, usually has an absorption rate of 12-20%.

Secondly, the filter particles absorb CO 2 before this greenhouse gas is exposed to the air. Third, the saturated porcelain particles can be chemically treated for reuse, or used as raw materials in the chemical, plastic or textile industries.

A filter particle can be used 10 times before disposing, and thus the technology is considered to be low cost.

Currently the chemical formula of this special type of porcelain is kept secret and is in the process of applying for a license.

The researchers also said that the ratio between the amount of filter material and the amount of absorbed CO2 depends on the structure of each plant, but in about 1kg of filter particles / 500g of CO2.

Brazil is one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases with about 2 billion tons per year, of which 25% comes from industrial production facilities.