New Trojan forged McAfee

Picture 1 of New Trojan forged McAfee Websense Security Labs has just warned users about a new type of Trojan that is spreading across the Internet by spoofing a new patch of McAfee antivirus software.

The new email containing trojans was sent in a spam form with a fake form of notification announcing an update of a virus called 'Kongos 31' from McAfee - in fact not This virus exists. These e-mails contain a link to a website that is very similar to McAfee's download page.

' This email advises users to quickly click on the link and download the new update patch from McAfee. But actually linking it is a fake site with a very similar form to McAfee's website. If the user clicks on the link, they will be infected with a downloadable trojan embedded in this site . '

McAfee has officially announced to users that it has not issued any update patches as announced in this email.