McAfee: The safest '.gov' domain name

Security firm McAfee claims websites with ".gov" domains are the safest websites on the Internet.

According to the content of the research report published yesterday (March 12) by McAfee, among the websites of US government agencies there is no malicious website.

In contrast, every 10 websites that use the ". Tk " domain name - the domain name for the tiny island nation Tokelau - have a dangerous website dedicated to distributing malware or containing advertising forms .

Picture 1 of McAfee: The safest '.gov' domain name To get statistical results, McAfee has tested millions of websites using the first level domain name worldwide. "The results give us a surprise about the difference in the level of security between domain names ," McAfee said in a statement of release of the report.

According to McAfee, about 4.1% of websites are tested to be classified as dangerous. However, the alert level of those websites is also completely different. The most dangerous are those websites that are dedicated to spreading malware such as spyware, viruses, adware . Next, the most ad-tolerant websites are pop-ups.

The most dangerous domain names include the ". Ro " domain of Romania and ". Ru " of Russia. The number of malicious websites with two types of domain names accounts for 5.6% and 4.5% of all websites tested by McAfee. More dangerous is that most websites with two domains mentioned above contain code exploiting the error in the browser to secretly install malicious code on the user's PC.

Meanwhile, websites with ". Fi " (Finland), ". Ie " (Ireland) and ". No " domains (Norway) are really safe websites. The number of malicious websites carrying these domain names is only about 0.10%, 0.11% and 0.16%.

The " .com " domain name is the most common domain name but does not contain many dangerous websites like ". Info " domain names. The number of malicious websites bearing the domain name ". Info " accounts for 7.5% of the number of websites tested.

But the number of visits to malicious websites carries more ". Com " domains than other domain names. Partly also because of the popularity of this domain name.

Hoang Dung