Asia has its own domain name -. Asia

ICANN International Domain Management Organization has just officially approved the '.asia' domain name exclusively for countries and territories in the Asia-Pacific region.

Besides managing national domain names for Vietnam, China, Japan and Korea, DotAsia Organization will now be assigned by ICANN to manage the domain name ' .asia '.

It is expected that the contract between DotAsia and ICANN will be completed within the next few weeks. However, it will take another 6 to 9 months for users in the beginner Asia-Pacific region to register and use their own domain names.

Picture 1 of Asia has its own domain name -. Asia DotAsia will only allow users to register for ' .asia ' domain names in English. However, the organization has also planned to allow the registration of ' .asia ' domain names in Asian languages. If this plan is successful, the Vietnamese will have a full Vietnamese domain name instead of unsigned domain names or Latin characters today.

In 1998, ICANN was selected by the US government to manage Internet domain names - a core part of today's global Internet network. But ICANN has almost no authority to decide, but the right to decide falls into the hands of the US Department of Commerce. It was not until 2009 that ICANN could have 'that right'.

Currently, ICANN manages a total of 260 different domain names, most of which are national domain names like ' .vn ' of Vietnam or ' .fr ' of France .

The demand for new domain names is relatively low if compared to the number of ' .com ' domains . However, many businesses claim that the ' .com ' domain name is the US domain name on them want a domain name of their own.

DotAsia claims to limit the registration of ' .asia ' domain names in the Asia-Pacific region.

Hoang Dung