New warning about climate change
Increasing greenhouse gas emissions can cause more serious harm than people think, a new scientific report warns.
Greenland ice sheets are melting more, leading to rising sea levels (Photo: .tomaatne)
The report, published by the British government, says there are only a few opportunities for keeping greenhouse gas emissions below 'dangerous' levels.
The report also fears that the Greenland ice sheet is melting more, leading to a 7m rise in sea level in the next 1,000 years. The poorest countries will be most affected under these impacts.
This report is a reference to a report at a scientific conference organized by the British Meteorological Department in February 2005. This conference discusses two main issues: the cause of excessive greenhouse gas emissions and options to avoid such emissions.
In the opening of the report, British Prime Minister Tony Blair wrote: 'Clearly, greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming to an unbearable level' . Environment Minister Margaret Beckett said the report's conclusion would be a shock to many people.
The report also addresses the harmful effects of rising air temperatures. Although the European Union (EU) has aimed to prevent global temperatures from rising to more than 20C, according to the report, only 20C above is enough to melt ice in the Greenland ice sheet. This will greatly affect global sea level.
Basically, that effect will be 'extinction for a large number of species' and 'is the main cause of increasing hunger and the risk of dehydration, especially in developing countries' .
The report also suggests that scientists recalculate greenhouse gas emissions in the air that are "dangerous" to raise the temperature.
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