Nortel introduces a 24-hour security solution

Nortel - a Canadian corporation specializing in providing network infrastructure and telecommunications equipment recently held a seminar with security owners in Ho Chi Minh City. Here participants not only hear specific information about solutions to ensure the continuity and safety of the network but also see the performances illustrated on real devices.

Protect Business with equipment and policies

Although businesses can protect users, infrastructure and information by equipping themselves with some anti-virus software, firewalls, anti-intrusion . However there is another option is to combine equipment hardware with master software used to update, manage policies for each object accordingly. And Nortel provides DN SNA (Secure Network Access) solutions in this category.

Picture 1 of Nortel introduces a 24-hour security solution

Nortel SNA architecture model

The main component of SNA is a switch (Switch) combined with software called Enterprise Policy Manager, forming a risk prevention belt for a system. SNA works on the principle that a 'trusted' object is connected to the system, depending on the level of reliability where the terminal will have access to the system. Suppose that companies use SNA solutions, and all end points follow a series of corresponding protection policies. When another computer wants to access the operating system, for example, the partner needs to access the system with a laptop, the laptop is immediately "isolated" and conducted some checks. policies such as personal firewalls, anti-virus software, access rights . and access to the network only when complying with the company's partner policy.

According to Mike MacDonald, Nortel's solution architect, "Although the policy for each object is very important, the SNA solution is only effective when policies and regulations are thoroughly implemented. in all businesses'.

'Secure Always-on Networking' architecture

In the past 15 years, network protocols have changed a lot and now there is only one most influential standard, the most important is IP / TCP. This not only helps product developers not have to develop different versions for different protocols and users have more options, not tied to a vendor.

Bobby Lim, head of Nortel's product and marketing solution, said: ' TCP / IP becomes the standard protocol leading to two convergence trends that focus on application and network convergence. Application convergence allows developers to offer a variety of services on a software such as chat tools that include audio, images, videos, etc. Many services that operate on a single platform pose but challenges such as continuity, security and service quality '.

To meet this demand, Nortel has launched a ' Secure Always-on Networking ' architecture. According to Bobby, the word ' Always-on ' means 24 hours and he illustrates the ability to run a video on real devices to prove the difference when using Nortel architecture. Performance on two situations, one using Always-on architecture and the other, the results show that with the Always-on architecture the transmission capability of the system is fully utilized and the time to switch to the projected path The room in case of trouble is very small compared to the case of not using.

Hai Pham