Nullsoft upgrade Winamp security patch

Picture 1 of Nullsoft upgrade Winamp security patch Nullsoft has just released a new version of Winamp multimedia application and also fixes serious security bugs.

Winamp 5.2 released last Thursday has a serious security error in how to handle M3U playlist files. Hackers can also exploit the vulnerability to cause buffer overflow errors or create malicious self-executing .m3u print files to attack users.

Secunia said that when users open these malicious M3U files, the system will be paralyzed if they stop or suspend playback of the playlist or allow hackers to remotely execute the code.

This security error mainly affects recent versions of Winamp such as version 5.12 or 5.13. But Secunia said older versions may also have this security bug.

Secunia classified this security error as extremely dangerous and recommends that users upgrade to the new version as soon as possible.