Obesity control device

People will be able to lose weight easily thanks to a device created by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh. The device is called Ebutton.

Picture 1 of Obesity control device
Ebutton small, neat side by side mobile phone.

Ebutton is designed to be small, compact to wear on the chest (like a shirt pin). Despite its small size, it incorporates a miniature camera, accelerator, GPS receiver and other sensors. They have the function of collecting data and information about medical activities, food intake and even daily lifestyle.

Ebutton also includes a monitor for food intake and time spent exercising. It can determine the amount of time a user spends watching television or sitting in front of a computer screen and how much time they spend outdoors. It will track the food you purchase, the meal preparation process, the restaurant you visit, all will be sorted in order.

The device will also analyze the time spent by the user, the foods and drinks used ...

According to scientists, all these factors will help users control their caloric intake.