Obesity is caused by a shortage of dozens of DNA fragments

In the latest issue of Nature, the British and French scientists report that in some people with obesity, there are dozens of gene segments missing.

Picture 1 of Obesity is caused by a shortage of dozens of DNA fragments

Obesity is related to a lack of genes.Illustration.

This is the first time scientists have discovered the relationship between obesity and gene deficiency.

Scientists have for the first time analyzed the genetic map of obese people and found in the bodies of 31 study subjects all missing DNA fragments. This DNA fragment is located in the chromosome 16p11.2, which consists of about 30 genomes.

Scientists then continued to conduct a large-scale investigation of about 16,000 subjects from many European countries, and found in the bodies of 19 obese subjects all appeared The same gene deficiency.

Meanwhile, in people with normal body weight, there is no lack of homologous genes.

In addition, the study also found that those who lacked these genomes began to tend to get fat right away when adolescence, after adulthood, continues to evolve into increasingly fat. enlarged. The lack of these gene segments may be genetic, but may also be due to genetic mutations.

Previous research found that obesity may be related to the variation of individual genes.

According to Professor Philippe Froguel of the British Imperial Academy of Natural Sciences, although obesity in modern society is mainly due to unhealthy eating and not exercising regularly, however the reaction of The human body for these factors is deeply rooted in the genes.

If possible through genetic testing to find obese people will help scientists through intervention with medical therapies to treat obesity.