Red wine: The elixir against obesity!

Scientists at Purdue University in India are examining the ability to isolate the development of fat cells of the piceatannol compound found in red wine. The study hopes to provide a simple way to combat obesity.

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Piceatannol is the result of the transition from resveratrol, a compound found in red wine. In addition, grapes and peanuts are also thought to be resistant to cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases. When resveratrol is converted into a piceatannol compound, the natural metabolism after absorption by the body, the compound will delay the growth of fat cells.

Picture 1 of Red wine: The elixir against obesity!
Prof. Kee-Hong Kim and research work (Photo: Gizmag)

'Piceatannol actually changes the expression time, the function of the gene and the activity of insulin in fat, the process in which fat cells are at an early stage before developing into adult cells ,' said Kee. Hong Kim, an assistant professor at Purdue University and author of the study explains, 'The presence of piceatannol will inhibit or limit this whole process . '

Prof. Kim is currently conducting experiments on overweight animals to help piceatannol maintain blood.'We are looking for ways to improve the stability and solubility of piceatannol to create a significant biological effect , ' he said.