Oil stopped spraying in the Gulf of Mexico

BP Group on July 15 succeeded in preventing oil leakage after replacing the new lid on the well.

Picture 1 of Oil stopped spraying in the Gulf of Mexico

The photo taken by BP's engineer on July 15 showed that the oil had stopped escaping from the well below the Deepwater Horizon.Photo: AP.

The new lid - 75 tons in weight - was taken to the leak well to replace the old one from the end of last week. AP reported that the politicians and Gulf residents are thrilled to observe the effectiveness of the new lid in the past few days. This is the first time the oil has stopped spraying since the worst environmental disaster in the United States began. The oil spill could not end after the oil stopped leaking, but it also had a certain impact on the Gulf people.

Almost three months have passed since the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded on April 20 and caused a terrible oil spill disaster. About 695 million liters of oil were sprayed from the well below the rig.

"It's not over yet. This is not the time to celebrate," AP quoted Suttles.

Picture 2 of Oil stopped spraying in the Gulf of Mexico

Two vessels overcame the oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico on July 15.Photo: AP.

The next hour will be a very important time. Engineers and scientists will constantly monitor new covers to prevent changes in pressure. They expect high pressure because it shows only a crack. If the pressure is too low, experts understand that there are still many cracks below the well.

US President Barack Obama described BP's success as "positive developments" but also said that things are still in beta.

If the worst scenario occurs, oil can be sprayed up from under the rock bottom of the bay after being blocked by the exit at the well. Besides, if the well has many other cracks below, the oil will also continue to erupt. The risk of an explosion is also quite high due to excessive pressure inside the well or from an unstable pipeline.