Ocean biologists discovered that some bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico have bitten off native catfish heads when hunting, National Geographic reported on July 18.
American scientists discovered new squid fish, a rare creature often called the ocean monster, living in very dark waters and scary shapes.
Gene Parker, a guide from Florida (USA), recorded two twin manatee pigs swimming next to their mother in Homosassa Springs National Park.
US scientists have claimed to have discovered and identified the date of ancient coral reefs near the Deepwater Horizon rig incident.
Using a remote-controlled underwater robot on the Okeanos Explorer, researchers at the US National and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) found the wreck at a depth of about 1,219m,
Houston Chronicile electronic newspaper released on August 12 said hundreds of thousands of dead fish were washed off the Gulf of Mexico coast in the state of Houston in the United
On June 26, three American fishermen caught a giant squid, 7 meters long, weighing 90 kg in the Gulf of Mexico.
Based on government data, US scientists on June 26 warned the area
It has been a year since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig, causing hundreds of millions of liters of oil to flow into the sea, but the consequences it has left today are
BP Group on July 15 succeeded in preventing oil leakage after replacing the new lid on the well.