Old satellites discovered thousands of ancient monuments

A new study of images from cold war intelligence satellites has tripled the number of ancient sites that archaeologists are known to date, according to National Geographic on April 25. .

Picture 1 of Old satellites discovered thousands of ancient monuments
Satellite images taken in 1961 show Tell Rifaat in northwestern Syria, which is now completely hidden by a modern town - (Photo: Internet Archeology)

Accordingly, these satellite images reveal thousands of ancient cities and roads, canals and other ruins in the Middle East region stretching from Egypt to Iran, including the famous cradle of The earliest civilization and place of human appearance is Fertile Crescent.

According to Ancient Origins, archaeologists have discovered about 10,000 new locations by working on the Corona map of the Middle East. Previously, archaeologists only knew about 4,500 famous archaeological sites in this area.

According to experts, the largest newly discovered sites cover nearly 50 hectares, which are bronze cities with ancient walls and strongholds . 'Some of these locations are very large and completely unknown' - archaeologist of the University of Arkansas map team, Mr. Jesse Casana shared.

According to Casana, satellite images reveal not only ancient ruins but also provide a comprehensive view of the entire Middle East region and the way in which cities connect with each other in the past.