Human extinction is a fantasy, but the traces humans leave behind are not.

If the world has changed rapidly in the past tens or hundreds of years, there are wonders of the ancient world that have persisted with time for thousands of years.

Many remnants of ancient times still make the world today astounded by the creativity and talent of ancient people.

Why can residents here live well in the harsh conditions of the desert almost 2000 years ago? They get food from? The reason that such an important trade route chose to go

Associate Professor Dr. Trinh Nang Chung, Institute of Archeology said that recently discovered an archaeological site of more than 10,000m2 on the high ground Bai Soi, on the

A new study of images from cold war intelligence satellites has tripled the number of ancient sites that archaeologists are known to date.

Archaeologists continue to discover new images of a place that could be Ciudad Blanca, the legendary gold city of South America.

On July 3, the Egyptian authorities in charge of the ancient monuments said that archaeologists and French colleagues had revealed a 2,700-year-old stone gate while excavating the