Parents argue that they do not harm children

The old view is that children are depressed when they see their parents quarrel, but a recent study found that if the argument solved the problem, witnessing would be good for children.

Picture 1 of Parents argue that they do not harm children

Children will not be affected if their parents argue with each other to clarify a problem.Photo:

Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame (USA) have invented complex experiments to test the effects of spousal conflicts on children.

They build a home-like environment, have cameras, and use actors to show controversy, show children different scenarios when their parents conflict.

The team examined about 500 children aged 5 to 18 years, over a 20-year period, tracking their reactions to controversies. Sometimes the team took a sample of saliva from children to measure cortisol levels - stress-induced hormones.

The team found that when the debate was resolved in a positive way, children learned from this experience.

"Children are actually not psychologically disturbed if their parents are trying to solve problems , " said Mark E. Cummings, a professor of psychology and team leader on ABC.

"What surprised us was that the children were really happy to see their parents clarify something . "

Po Bronson, co-author of a book for parents "NutureShock" said he often resolved conflicts with his wife better if he was in front of two young children (one 8 years old and one 5 years old) to show the children that even if parents disagree, they still love each other.

"We often argue right in front of the kids. Instead of delaying, my wife and I say we should solve the problem now."

According to the study, couples often argue about 8 times a day. And even if parents do everything they can to keep them away, they'll still see about 45% of them.