People become, defeat is due to genes?

Many people are born naturally, scientists claim. In other words, it is DNA that contributes to the decision of a person to succeed or fail in life.

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The latest study in the Journal of Personality found that most innate tendencies such as consistency, social ability, restraint and purpose alone are 'located' in the gene.

In fact, our genome affects these qualities much more than both sexual and physical processes. And when combined, these personalities can make the difference between success and failure, the University of Edinburgh researchers claim.

Picture 1 of People become, defeat is due to genes?
Many people are born naturally enough to succeed ?

They conducted interviews with more than 800 twins about the attitude of life, from which to point out the effects of nature and the process of nurturing the character of volunteers.

Comparing identical twins (inherent DNA and nourishing environment) with other twins (sharing the same but different family environment) is a commonly used method of determining The influence of genetics. The results showed that Gene has a much greater role than lifestyle, in which self-control is a quality attached to DNA.

In addition, the gene also determines the consistency and patience of people. This is an important condition for success, because those who refuse to give up are more likely to achieve dreams than those who surrender right from the first match.

Share on DailyMail, Professor Timothy Bates said that people used to think that the home environment will determine the psychological well-being of children. However, this study also showed a much stronger range of genetic genes. Of course, we should not rely too much on genes. One very important key to success is that targeting is not determined by genes.