People 'ideas for exhausted the Moon'

We know that the Moon is the only satellite of the Earth and also the only extraterrestrial body that humans have arrived . It has been 45 years since Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the Moon.

When we understand better, we humans are always looking for ways to use and exploit this satellite. Learn about the unexpected "effects" of the Moon in addition to controlling the tide and the bold idea of ​​exploiting the Moon.

1. The moon turns into a refueling station

NASA is still in the process of exploring and exploiting the geological elements on the Moon to find new and useful resources from the planet. With the discovery of water that exists on the Moon along with abundant sources of helium 3 (radioactive isotope), the Moon promises to be a perfect 'fuel station' .

Picture 1 of People 'ideas for exhausted the Moon'

The water source found on the Moon, if it can be exploited, will be a great condition for people to carry out the 'mining' of the Moon in particular and the universe in general.

Using the Moon as a 'stopover' , we can discover other planets like Mars a lot easier than launching a ship from Earth. And of course, putting a temporary 'guesthouse' system here will be a great stepping stone to help people reach out further in the universe.

Picture 2 of People 'ideas for exhausted the Moon'

Not only that, finding the helium 3 in the moon dust also opens up a new way to find the alternative energy source of humans. With the commercialization of helium 3, the Moon will officially become a human 'fuel station' .

According to calculations by experts, this valuable material can solve human energy needs for at least 10,000 years.

2. The moon becomes a generator for Earth

From the horrific nuclear disaster in Fukushima, a Japanese company - Shimizu Corporation has come up with a plan to build a 'Moon Belt' that includes countless solar panels spanning more than 10,000km and wide. to 19km on the surface of this satellite.

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The goal of this plan is to create a closed circle of solar panels around the Moon's equator, to best exploit the light coming from the Sun. The extracted energy will be transmitted to Earth by infrared and laser.

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These solar panels are expected to be built by a multitude of different robots. They will take turns leveling and clearing the driest areas to build a ' solar belt' around the Moon.

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If successful, this project could provide an energy source of up to 13,000 terawatts / day. This is a huge number when the average electricity consumption of all humanity is about 15-18 terawatts a day. Each terawatt is about 1,000 billion watts.

3. Moon - a true tourist destination

Is Hawaii now a past, the honeymoon site that people are going to target is the Moon? This bold idea was built by a spaceship company named Golden Spike. This project will promise to open an "unimaginable" tourism route - traveling to the Moon.

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With a small amount of $ 1.55 billion (equivalent to VND 32,000 billion), Golden Spike plans to provide customers with a trip to the Moon for 2 people in at least 36 hours and a gift ' bring back. A week-long moon flight is also included in the plan at a cost of about $ 900 million (over VND 18,000 billion).

Although this is just a plan, this clearly shows the moon's potential for tourism. Perhaps in the future, Moon tourism will become one of the most expensive travel packages in the world.

4. Moon - landfill for nuclear waste

One of the most controversial ideas is the proposal to use the Moon as a landfill to store radioactive waste.

Unlike Earth, which is the habitat of not only humans but also countless other animals and plants, the Moon is completely 'inhabited'. This is appropriate to turn this place into a dump of hazardous waste.

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The surface of the Moon is sterile, where it has a hard radiation environment with excellent geological stability and is unlikely to contaminate biological communities like Earth. The way of transporting waste bins is proposed to use programmed spacecraft to fly toward the Moon surface and then explode with a rocket.

A more ideal approach is to direct this waste to the crater on the Moon, making it easier to identify specific areas of contamination. And if even later there are residents living on the Moon, we can also handle this waste and then reuse them.