People warm up the earth

Human activity is the main cause of global warming since the middle of the last century.

A new study published in Nature Geoscience shows that natural warming, such as changes in solar radiation during this time, is almost zero.

Picture 1 of People warm up the earth
Human activity is greatly affecting the increase in temperature - (Photo: Discovery)

Most predictions of temperature rise as a result of greenhouse gas emissions use a technique called 'optimal fingerprinting' that involves statistical analysis of complex climate models. But expert Reto Knutti and Markus Huber used a different method. It is looking at the measurement of the factors that affect the total amount of planet's energy, such as solar radiation on the earth, the amount of heat absorbed by the oceans and reflected by the ice cover. , the effect of greenhouse gases, combined with many other parameters on a simpler model.

Since then, experts have calculated that the earth has warmed about 0.51 0 C in the past 60 years, very close to the observed increase of 0.55 0 C. In particular, changes in solar radiation only 'responsible' for about 0.07 0 C of the increase, the rest is mainly caused by human activity, such as greenhouse gases.

Experts say that along with the available evidence, their research may reinforce that human activity is greatly influencing the observed temperature rise since pre-industrial times.