People working near the window have more vitality

People who work near the window will sleep better and have a higher quality of life than those with little exposure to sunlight.

Picture 1 of People working near the window have more vitality
People who work near windows have a higher quality of life.(Photo: Bikeriderlondon / Shutterstock)

A small study of health and sleep compares people who work near a window and not near a window to show that people who are in regular contact with natural light score better. Workers who lack natural light scored worse in all eight components of the survey, especially the "vitality" test , MNN said.

"We really want to look at some of the health problems related to the lack of natural light of people , " said Mohamed Boubekri, the lead researcher from the University of Illinois, USA.

The study also showed that workers exposed primarily to artificial light sleep an average of 46 minutes less sleep each night than their peers. On the contrary, people who work near a window sleep well, seem to be active and have more energy to do other things.

The topic of worker health related to natural light has not been extensively studied. Previously, a 1997 study in the field of "preventive medicine" called on builders to carefully consider the problem of natural light in their designs.

The results of the study are published in the journal Clinical Sleep Medicine.