Permanently buried Chernobyl nuclear power plant

A burial site will be arched, 105 meters high, 'sprouting' on four cubes of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant that has gone down in history with the horrifying incident of 1986.

On April 19 in Kiev, the Conference of donors pledged to provide Ukraine with 550 million euros to permanently bury Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).

At this conference, Ukrainian President Victor Lanukovitch said: ' By joint efforts of the international community, we will receive 550 million euros and I consider this number to be only part of the proposed project. export enough to build a new, safe tomb on the four reactors of Chernobyl NPP. The budget needed to implement this' landfill 'project is 990 million euros .'

Picture 1 of Permanently buried Chernobyl nuclear power plant
Model of landfill project of Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The object of the 'burial' project is a dome-shaped project, 105 meters high. After construction, it will "sprout" on 4 cubes of NPP including 4 coffins after the incident in 1986.

The implementation of the 'burial' project has been postponed for many times because it has not been able to afford the budget. The composition of the organization sponsors the 'Burial' Foundation, which consists of 28 countries, run by the European Construction and Reconstruction Bank.

The donor conference took place before the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster (April 26, 1986). At that time, the No. 4 nuclear reactor exploded. A large area, a 30-kilometer radius of heavy radiation, partially part of Belorus's 18 regions (30% of the area) was seriously affected. Total contaminated area of ​​Ukraine amounted to 50. 000 km2 of 12 zones.