Playing football is more beneficial than jogging

A fun soccer game will help remove fat and strengthen muscles rather than running. Danish scientists have done research on 37 men and found football players feel less tired after training than jogging, because they feel happier, more interested.

"This is good news for guys who want to play football with friends," said Dr. Gary O'Donovan at the University of Exeter.

To find out how hard it is for men to practice, researchers have attached heart monitors to the chests of participants and compared blood and muscle tissue samples from before and after playing soccer or running. They chose equally healthy men, aged 31 to 33, and divided into 3 teams - playing football, running and not doing anything.

Picture 1 of Playing football is more beneficial than jogging (Photo: Each training session lasts 1 hour and takes place 3 times / week. After 12 weeks, the researchers found that body fat in the football player dropped by 3.7%, while in the runner was 2%.

Football players also increase muscle mass to 2 kg, while joggers change very little. Not surprisingly, people who do not exercise at all have almost no changes in body fat and muscle.

"Even if the footballers are not trained properly, there are stages in the game that require stress to make their cardio get maximum exercise, just like professional players", advanced Dr. Peter Krustrup at the University of Copenhagen, head of the study, said.

However, experts warn that sedentary people should not play too hard immediately but get used to moderate activities.

Also, unlike soccer players, those who run are always feeling exhausted during the run."And the players feel more excited, so focus on scoring goals and supporting teammates, rather than just feeling aching and muscular ," Krustrup said.