Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?

During the hot and sunny summer days always above 30 ℃, sitting in the house watching TV also makes us feel hot and uncomfortable, let alone go outside to play sport.

Therefore, for lovers of jogging, this hot weather is a mental control and endurance dose to maintain the intensity of exercise.

However, the jogging without taking care of the body like this one from Julie Nisbet from England is dangerous to health.

Picture 1 of Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?
Julie Nisbet with blistering legs.

It is known that Julie's legs were blistered, sunburned for 21 hours in the street. So will running outside will make our bodies swell?

What will the body look like when running outside .

Jogging in hot weather will make your body temperature rise very fast. Our bodies work well when the temperature is always maintained at 37 ℃, so to keep the body temperature cool before high ambient temperatures, the body's first reaction to release body temperature is sweat.

Picture 2 of Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?
The first reaction of the body to release body heat is sweating.

To help perspire quickly, the blood vessels in the body begin to expand, allowing more blood to transport to the skin's surface. That's why when we run under the hot sun, our bodies turn red and our blood vessels are also able to see more clearly.

Normally, people will consume 1 liter of sweat / hour when exercising under high ambient temperature. Some people are sweating, this number can be up to 4 liters.

Sweating means your body is dehydrated. The problem is that the amount of blood supplied to the skin surface to drain sweat is not enough. So getting a lot of sweat when running in a high temperature environment makes you tired and even exhausted if you don't get water in time.

Picture 3 of Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?
Sweating means your body is dehydrated.

However, you do not need to worry because our bodies adapt very well to environmental conditions . If you regularly jog during summer days, often exposed to high ambient temperatures, your body will learn to adapt.

Adaptation of the body includes increased sweating, blood volume, electrolyte reduction (including salt and important mineral salts) in sweat .

Besides, to help the body adapt more quickly to the body's strong activity in the hot sun.

And in response to the question of whether outdoor jogging makes blistering feet like Julie's, it may be possible if you do not wear a full outfit or apply full sunscreen.

Remember, continuous running outdoors, especially at the time of extreme heat, the amount of UV rays penetrates into the body strongly, making the skin vulnerable, sunburned and blistering. Therefore, you need to keep in mind the following points when you want to exercise outdoors.

1. Choose the appropriate time of day to jog

When the temperature of the day rises, choose a time when the temperature is at its lowest. The most appropriate time for jogging is early morning or evening; Absolutely avoid jogging outdoors at 10am - 4pm because this is the most intense sunshine time on summer day.

Picture 4 of Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?
Early morning or evening is the best time to jog during summer days.

2. Always add enough water

Sweating will make your body tired, even dehydrated, so add water before, during and after running.

Specifically, every 20 minutes, drink about 150-200ml.If possible, add electrolyte water to compensate your body for salt. Also, you need to take advantage of water to cool your head and body.

Picture 5 of Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?
Drink water before, during and after running.

3. Slow down and combine walking

You should consider reducing the intensity of heavy running exercises on hot days. Follow the ability instead of running at the target speed.

For every 2-3 differences, you can slow down from 10-20 seconds / 1km. Listen to your body and don't exert too much effort.

Picture 6 of Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?
Combine with walking in the running session.

Besides, let's combine with walking in the running session. In hot weather, you should add walking breaks every 5-10 minutes to cool down your body.

You need to make sure that your body temperature is not increased too high, otherwise it will be very easy for sunstroke to affect your health. Just like a car, your body will be shocked so that your body temperature increases too high. Walking is the best way to help you adjust your body temperature to the allowable level.

4. Choose the right outfit

You should choose bright, non-thermal clothes, lightweight and cool materials. Remember to protect both your head and hands with gloves, towels or hats.

If you have to run during the day, remember to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays that damage your skin. And reapply sunscreen about every 2-3 hours.

Picture 7 of Jogging under hot weather, how will your body change?
You should choose bright clothes, light and cool materials.

After all, if you are a jogging lover, you can enjoy your favorite sport.

The above notes may help you avoid possible risks caused by hot weather.

Not only that, exercising, running regularly under high ambient temperatures will help our bodies increase stamina and become healthier.