According to the Central Hydrometeorology Center, in addition to the ongoing heat wave, the North and North Central regions also received another 6-7 batches this summer. May

Hundreds of large and widespread wildfires are taking place in the southern states of Australia, causing headaches for fire officials.

According to Live Science, hot weather can be uncomfortable for anyone. But for pregnant women, summer heat is especially dangerous.

According to Brightside, summer with high temperatures brings many problems to people's health. That requires us to have a reasonable solution.

The weather in Hanoi and the North in recent days is hot, the temperature reaches 38 - 40 degrees Celsius, there are places over 40 degrees Celsius, the outdoor temperature is

The resilience of the skin will depend on how much sunburn you have, there are 3 common sunburn forms below.

In recent days, when the temperature continuously reaches 40 - 41 degrees Celsius, there are countless harms to health. Actual temperatures measured at outdoor locations can reach

Summer comes, the hot weather makes our body tired, loose, the resistance decreases so it is very susceptible to sun damage, heatstroke ...

Knowledge of dandruff as well as effective hair and scalp care provided by Dr. Huynh Tran Tuan Huy, currently working at Khanh Hoa Dermatology Hospital.

During the hot and sunny summer days always above 30 ℃, sitting in the house watching TV also makes us feel hot and uncomfortable, let alone go outside to play sport.