Poisonous snake snakes use traps to trap birds, win the network in the blink of an eye

Many viewers were surprised to witness the poisonous dramatic snake scene using a spider tail to deceive, attracting much larger prey.

According to Daily Star, the video starts with a spider crawling up to a 'rock' in a forest area.

The crawling spider crawls down to the 'rock' in seconds. Suddenly, a bird from nowhere swooped down, attempting to eat spider meat. But the 'rock' then revealed the true truth.

It was a camouflage in the form of a rock. The first attack failed, causing the bird to choose the opportunity to escape.

But the snake persisted in waiting for the opportunity and caught another bird shortly afterwards. With the utterly deadly bite, the poisonous serpent makes the prey lie motionless and become a hearty meal.

Thousands of people have watched the video since it was posted on social networking site Reddit.

'It is a spider-tailed viper snake . They mostly live in Australia , 'one person explained.

Others said: 'Surprisingly, I have lived here for 30 years but have never heard of this strange snake' .

Picture 1 of Poisonous snake snakes use traps to trap birds, win the network in the blink of an eye
The snake looks far away like a rock with a spider-like tail.

As its name suggests, this viper snakes its tail into many small legs, looking from afar like a spider. Viper snakes use this tail to draw their prey close, before launching a critical blow.

Scientists' research has shown that this viper snapped its tail for hunting purposes long ago.

In 2009, experts released a young bird into a stable of viper snakes. After half an hour, the bird pecked at the tail like a spider, then dragged towards the snake's head. Finally, the bird was eaten by poisonous snake snakes.