Predict the weather thanks to the

Scientists have discovered a new way to predict weather changes: observing mating of insects like beetles or aphids.

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According to researchers from the University of Western Ontario (Canada), the sex life of insects is a reliable sign that reveals upcoming storms.

When the air pressure dropped, implying a rain coming, the males of Diabrotica speciosa , born in many North American regions, ignored the usual flirtatious rituals to plunge into "working" with your partner. Researchers say this is because Diabrotica speciosa makes them very vulnerable to extreme weather.

Picture 1 of Predict the weather thanks to the
When it is going to rain, the males of the Diabrotica speciosa have skipped the usual flirtatious rituals to break into mating.(Photo: Corbis)

Meanwhile, the bugs have released less sex hormones than the threat of pouring rain. This action is intended to help them conserve energy for attachment on leaves to escape death. Researcher Jeremy McNeil said, for aphids, a rain drop is like a refrigerator falling over us.

In Vietnam, from time immemorial, in the people have passed on each other in anticipation of changing weather closer and simpler. For example, every time people see ants going to leave the nest, the weather then changes, especially when the storm is coming. The reason is because, in the body, there is an integrated "biological sensor" , sensitive to weather changes.

In addition to ants, Vietnamese people also know some other insects with similar special abilities, such as dragonflies. Just looking at the way the flying dragon is predictable is sunny or rainy. My father had a saying: "The dragonfly is low, the rain is flooded with the pond. The dragonfly flies high, the rain stops."

So far, science has not been able to explain why there are species that are "sensitive" to the changing weather, some species do not. This is considered a biological characteristic of the species.