China and Russia are experimenting with a controversial technology to modify the atmosphere's ionosphere.
When the plane flies through and creates holes in the clouds, it can change the weather around the airport areas located in high latitudes, even causing rain and snow, according to
In the study, scientists analyzed how nearly 11,500 animals survived the hot and cold changes of the weather over the past 270 million years.
The climate changes abnormally have pushed the birds into the situation to fall asleep reluctantly. New research results from North Carolina State University (USA) show that
Lack of food, polluted environment or changing weather could be the reasons for the Turtle's floating in recent times.
On April 12, due to the influence of cold air, the Northern North and North Central region had showers and scattered thunderstorms; In high-intensity thunderstorms, elemental
Air pollution in China and other Asian countries is having a huge impact on climatic zones across the northern hemisphere, a recent study said.
Scientists have discovered a new way to predict weather changes: observing mating of insects like beetles or aphids.
Severe winters in the United States and Northern Europe can be a result of changes in ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Please see the special photo, taken from the International Space Station (ISS) with the theme