Prehistoric animals called Mick Jagger

Paleontologists from the US and Egypt have discovered a new anthracothere that once lived in Africa during the Miocene 19 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Prehistoric animals called Mick Jagger
Photos: Sci-News

The new species is called Jaggermeryx naida , named after Sir Mick Jagger, the leader of the Rolling Stones band. This prehistoric animal belongs to the Anthracotheriidae family, which are extinct ungulates that are related to hippos.

The team led by Cairo University Dr. Safiya Hassan discovered some fossil jaw fragments of this animal at Wadi Moghra in the Egyptian desert. The animal is about the same size as a deer, a hippopotamus-like form but more sick.

Geological data associated with Jaggermeryx naida fossils, fish, turtles, waterfowl and 5 other anthracothere species were found at Wadi Moghra, showing that millions of years ago the area was estuarine and swamp .

Dr. Ellen Miller of Wake Forest University, a research team member and lead author of the article published in the Jounal of Paleontology, said Jaggermeryx naida could be imagined like a water deer, it seeks Food is plants along the river bank. Ellen Miller said some colleagues wanted to name this species after Angelina Jolie, but in the end it was named after Mick Jagger.