Preparation of vaccine for smallpox and anthrax

US scientists say that a successful "two-in-one" vaccine has been successfully prevented from smallpox and anthrax.

Picture 1 of Preparation of vaccine for smallpox and anthrax Image for illustrative purposes. (Internet sources) US scientists say they have successfully prepared a " two-in-one " vaccine that can prevent smallpox and anthrax.

This new vaccine is much safer and more effective than the only vaccine used to prevent current bioterrorism attacks.

The new vaccine was jointly researched by the National Cancer Research Institute, the Food and Drug Administration, and the US JDM Biotechnology Company.

Scientists have prepared this vaccine by transplanting interleukin-15 immunity and a gene taken from charcoal bacteria into the first-season vaccine.

Experimental results in animals show that, compared to the previous anthrax vaccine, the new vaccine has been effective in ensuring that laboratory rabbits and rats are not infected with anthrax.

Test results on mice and monkeys showed that the new vaccine is also more effective than the single smallpox vaccine.

In addition, this new vaccine can be stored in a frozen state, ensuring a rapid supply of bioterrorism.

After being approved by the US Drug Administration, this new vaccine will be applied to the human body.