Prepare to discover 'the lost world'

The final tests are being carried out in Antarctica before experts working on an ancient lake project are under thick ice.

Lake Ellsworth lies beneath the ice at least 3,200m. With a length of 14,000m, a width of 3,000m and a depth of 160m, this lake is isolated and never discovered in the past half a million years.

This is the first attempt to extract samples of water and sediments that have never been contaminated by impurities from the outside world.

The £ 8 million project is part of an effort by the British team to understand the limits of life, and especially in the absence of sunlight and high pressure, it seems they will find it. bacteria at Lake Ellsworth.

Picture 1 of Prepare to discover 'the lost world'
Lake Ellsworth Research Project - (Photo: British Antarctic Survey)

BBC quoted the research leader as Professor Martin Siegert of Bristol University (UK), the idea of ​​exploring the lake under the ice surface was fragile 16 years ago.

To implement this mission, the first challenge is to acquire the necessary equipment, then sterilize them, and the third is to transfer them to Antarctica. And Professor Siegert's group has completed all preparations.

A small snow mountain equivalent to 270,000 liters of water is ready to fill the pot. It is important that water collected from snow must be filtered out of contaminants, then sterilized by ultraviolet rays, before being heated to 90 degrees Celsius and transferred to the drilling unit.

Under the heat of water, an ice-crossing road will gradually form.

It is expected that the 'drilling' process takes 5 days to complete, and the trans-band hole is not maintained for more than 24 hours.