Preventing nose diseases in winter

You should drink plenty of water and limit external stimuli to cause nose damage.

Common nasal diseases in winter and prevention

1. Avoid revealing clothing

In the cold season, you can easily get many respiratory diseases such as cough, flu, develop sinus disease . Wear warm before going out, keep warm especially in the face, head, neck, hands, foot. Avoid people with nasal diseases to avoid infection. Ensure indoor humidity 40-50%.

2. Do not brush your nose often

Picture 1 of Preventing nose diseases in winter

If you get cold, start by blowing your nose often. Fart in the nostrils at the same time to prevent one side of the mucus, one side. Do not press your nose to smell everything, it causes the mucus to increase gradually in your sinuses because you may have inhaled more bacteria.

Do not swab the nose often because it can cause loss of the nose hair, mucosal damage, rupture of the blood vessels and bleeding. In addition, nose picking is also likely to cause nasal infections.

3. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water not only makes your body healthy, eliminates many toxins, but also helps make your nasal secretions more liquid, allowing the mucus to escape more easily.

Picture 2 of Preventing nose diseases in winter
Cold season, nose diseases are easy to develop.(Artwork: Omron)

4. Avoid external stimulation

Limit the factors related to the environment such as avoiding a lot of smoke, causing mucous membranes to dry, nose prone to allergies. Avoid gas dust, toxic chemicals or irritate the nose because it can affect the function of the nasal mucosa, olfactory disorders occur.

5. Rinse your nose with warm water, salt water or herbal water

When there are signs of flu, you can treat yourself with natural methods. A simple remedy that makes it easier to breathe is to boil water and pour it into a large bowl. Put a towel over your head (don't cover the jackfruit), let the water rush to your nose. Do not poke or impact anything in the nose.

Picture 3 of Preventing nose diseases in winter

You can add a warm bowl of water with a little eucalyptus oil, thyme, chamomile tea or a mint leaf.

Horseradish plants also work very well in the treatment of rhinitis. You can inhale immediately on the mashed vegetables, which contain substances that dilute mucus. You can also mix it with lemon juice to drink.

Using sanitary saline also makes your nose clear, eliminating the maximum of microorganisms. You can use a cotton swab to clean your nose.

6. Limit to the sauna

When you sit in the sauna, you are in an environment with very high temperatures. Meanwhile, toxins and sediments build up inside the body, hidden under the skin, following the sweat glands excreted to help you feel refreshed, cleaner.

However, those wastes are dripping on the floor and around the seats, evaporating in the air, leading to the environment in the sauna becoming polluted. If the sauna is crowded, not being cleaned will make your nose sick.

7. Do not cut off the nose hair

Pruning nose hair is a habit of many people because they think they are aesthetics. However, do you know, nasal hairs also play an important role in preventing external agents such as smoke from entering the nostrils. Therefore, they serve as an important barrier. Therefore, you should not prune the nose.

8. Pay attention to hygiene and nasal wash (especially for young children)

Picture 4 of Preventing nose diseases in winter

Cleaning the nose clean is essential and top important to help you avoid the impact of external factors so you should have nose problems. Therefore, after contact with the agent affecting the nose such as dust, toxic air, plant protection drugs, poultry farms, . you should clean the nose, Wash your face immediately afterwards. Besides, daily cleaning of the nose is also necessary.

When performing nasal hygiene, you not only use face towel, hand wash outside but also wash from inside. You notice, gently wash the nasal cavity because this is where the bacteria are concentrated. Proper hygiene also helps remove dirt and dust without making your nose hurt.