Preventing the ingestion of deadly poisonous mushrooms

Poisonous mushrooms have a very serious effect on our health and our lives.

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Poisonous mushrooms and "wrong" mistakes

Mushrooms are a very common food, however, in addition to the fungi used for meals there are also poisonous mushrooms. The distinction between poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms is difficult, even indistinguishable, especially the fungi that grow wild in gardens, fields, mushrooms picked in the forest .

Many people often have the myth of poisonous mushrooms such as poisonous mushrooms, which are brightly colored mushrooms; Mushrooms that are eaten by insects are non-toxic mushrooms; testing mushrooms with spoons, chopsticks, chains can detect poisonous mushrooms; try for animals (dogs, cats) to eat after 1-2 hours, if there is no problem, it is a non-toxic mushroom . These are 'wrong' mistakes.

Picture 1 of Preventing the ingestion of deadly poisonous mushrooms
The toxins present in mushrooms can be released immediately after eating, but there are some types that react after 12-24 hours.

Some fungi are white or have a mushroom-like color but can still be toxic. The toxins present in mushrooms can be released immediately after eating, but there are some types that react after 12-24 hours. The toxins in mushrooms do not work with silver, so they do not change color. Therefore, trying toxins in mushrooms in ways such as feeding dogs, cats or eating silver does not produce accurate results.

Not only poisonous mushrooms can cause poisoning. Some types of non-poisonous mushrooms that are often used as food can also produce toxins if we leave them too long or crush, crush. Therefore, you need to be very careful when using mushrooms as food.

Signs of fungal poisoning

Early poisoning group

With some fungi that cause early poisoning, patients may develop symptoms such as vasodilation, sweating, lacrimation, drooling, diarrhea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure . Some cases still exist. manifestations such as twitching, convulsions, delirium, dilated pupils, redness of the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and dry eyes, with hallucinations such as seeing light spots or connecting lines running before the eyes .

Picture 2 of Preventing the ingestion of deadly poisonous mushrooms
Some fungi are white or have a mushroom-like color but can still be toxic.

Slow poisoning group

The group causing slow poisoning is often very dangerous due to the signs of poisoning only after 6-12 hours, even 40 hours. The common manifestations in this group are abdominal pain, vomiting, heavy diarrhea, yellow urine, root bleeding, orange blood, blood transfusion . With the slow poisoning group, the patient died very quickly. after only a few days due to liver failure, heavy bleeding, convulsions .


According to health experts, when there are signs of fungal poisoning, we need to immediately drink activated carbon to remove toxic and take to emergency medical facilities. However, to ensure safety, you absolutely should not eat wild mushrooms, mushrooms of unknown origin . With the mushrooms used as food guaranteed to be non-toxic, we also only Should eat when the mushrooms are fresh!