Using granular activated carbon combined with aeration through the insert tower can help filter styrene contaminated water.

At first glance, the moon cake is covered with dark chocolate but in fact it is black soap cakes, successfully fabricated by a group of 5 students from Hanoi University of

Researchers at Sultan Qaboos University (Kingdom of Oman) proposed the production of dates (the palm tree species) not to throw away leaves but to treat wastewater, especially the

Researchers from the sunrise country found that activated carbon, produced from corn cobs, is effective in absorbing radioactive substances, heavy metals and pesticides. This

Black-colored dishes and drinks appeared rampant on Instagram and social networks after the shops raced to add their products to a raw material of activated carbon.

The food with activated carbon became an attractive trend for many people. However, scientists say this substance does not work as advertised.

Over time, our teeth will gradually tarnish from there to give us a feeling of inferiority, the cause of this process is due to tartar plaque and the aging process that wears

Black ice cream with activated carbon composition, also known as coal, originated in New York's Ice Cream Finest Morgenstern, USA: black coconut ash ice cream with coconut

Poisonous mushrooms have a very serious effect on our health and our lives.