Prevention of traffic accidents by Wifi waves

The US Department of Transportation recently tested 300 cars with wireless internet access on the street to reduce traffic accidents.

>>> The vibration system helps to alert traffic accidents

Picture 1 of Prevention of traffic accidents by Wifi waves
The test vehicles are equipped with Wifi system for updating
timely news to avoid collisions. (Source: Inhabitat)

This is part of the $ 15 million "Safe Driving" project, funded by the Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Ann Arbo aims to study the reactions of drivers and the situations they encounter when sitting behind the wheel.

The Wi-Fi system is expected to help traffic controllers communicate in time to avoid collisions and improve traffic.

As a result, volunteers are equipped with wireless devices to receive warnings about impending danger. About 90% of volunteers respond positively about using this technology and the benefits that it provides.

The US Road Traffic Safety Administration said it would use data from the pilot project to determine the feasibility and feasibility of deploying secure vehicle connectivity technologies.