In order to limit casualties when sitting in a car where a collision occurs, you need to fasten yourself to the seat, bend down as low as possible, hold your head to reduce injury.

Graham has no neck, flattened face, thicker skin, larger skull, more flexible leg joints, helping to protect the body from injury when a traffic accident occurs.

According to London University of Economics, air pollution is considered to be the cause of hundreds of car accidents each year.

A recent study by the US AAA Foundation shows that 21% of fatal accidents are caused by sleepy drivers.

A nutrient found in eggs and spinach can help you react faster.

Texting while driving is said to be dangerous because it can endanger yourself and others, but new technology will completely change this thought.

Self-propelled vehicles though bring convenience to the owner, but if something goes wrong, it will threaten other traffic participants, especially pedestrians.

The driver's feelings can affect the safety of traffic. As a result, cars will soon be equipped with driver identification and rating systems to enhance road safety.

The Volvo (Swedish) automaker has successfully developed a device that is expected to bring about a revolution in traffic safety, as it can scan to locate obstacles in front and

This is part of the $ 15 million 'Safe Driving' project, funded by the Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Ann Arbo aims to study the reactions of drivers and the