Principles for prevention of rabies in humans

Currently in the hot season, the rabies situation in rabies bites occurs in some localities and there have been cases of death due to inappropriate and timely management.

Therefore, the community of people and health facilities should not be subjective, need to know the principles of necessary preventive treatment according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health to actively prevent unfortunate consequences.

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Health for the treatment of rabies prevention, the appointment of rabies vaccination and rabies-resistant serum must be based on the condition of the dog, the circumstances of the dog being bitten or exposed to the disease. , location of biting dogs, number of bite scratches, level of bite and rabies happening locally. For people who have not been vaccinated against rabies, the appointment of rabies prophylaxis should be based on a specific type of dog bite wound to have proper management. The contact with dogs or being bitten by dogs is divided into 3 levels from normal to severe.

Level 1

This is the level when the body is not hurt, the person only touches the dog with a touch or touch; Feed the dog, let the dog lick on the healthy skin without scratches or scratches, no need to handle preventive treatment.

Picture 1 of Principles for prevention of rabies in humans
Management of preventive treatment of rabies in humans bitten by rabid dogs (Internet photo illustrated)

Level 2

Detected when scratched by a dog causing injury with scratches and scratches; Let the dog lick on the damaged skin and mucous membranes. If at the time of being scratched, the dog is in a normal condition including dogs that have been vaccinated against rabies and must be prevented by injecting the rabies vaccine immediately and within 10 days then the dog is still in love. normal status stops the vaccination after the 10th day.

If at the time of the dog scratching, there is a scratch, scratch and dog in normal condition even if the dog has been vaccinated against rabies, but within 10 days then the dog is sick, there are symptoms of rabies. or run missing without being monitored, it must be prevented from the beginning by injecting rabies vaccine and giving enough doses. When at the time of being scratched by the dog, there were scratches and scratches; If a dog has symptoms of rabies or runs away without being able to monitor the situation, it must be treated in the first place by injecting the rabies vaccine immediately and giving enough doses.

Level 3

This is the severity that happens when the victim has serious damage from the bite or scratch.

If the dog bites or scratches, causing bleeding in the area away from the central nervous system, but at the time of being bitten or scratched; If the dog is in normal condition, it must be prevented by injecting the rabies vaccine immediately and following 10 days after the dog is still in normal condition, then the vaccine can be stopped after the 10th day.

If at the time of being bitten or scratched by the dog, the dog is in normal condition but within 10 days then the dog is sick, has symptoms of rabies or runs missing without being monitored, right from the beginning to treat prophylaxis by having to vaccinate rabies vaccine immediately and injecting enough doses. When at the time of a dog bite or scratch, a dog with symptoms of rabies or a missing run is not able to monitor the condition, it must be prevented from the beginning by injecting anti-rabies serum and rabies vaccine.

Picture 2 of Principles for prevention of rabies in humans

If the dog bite or scratches causes deep injury, there are many wounds; bites, scratches near the central nervous system such as head, face, neck or in areas with many nerves such as limbs, genitals but at the time of being bitten or scratched the dog is in normal condition. If symptoms of rabies or missing runaway are not monitored, prophylaxis should be treated at the beginning by immediately injecting rabies-resistant serum and rabies vaccine.

Advice of physicians

So in fact when contacting the dog, there are scratches and scratches; dogs lick on damaged skin and mucous membranes; bitten or scratched by dogs . even if the dog was vaccinated against rabies, it should not be subjective. Depending on the classification of the injury with the level of injury mentioned above, appropriate measures for management of preventive treatment should be taken. The subjectivity of victims including health facilities that do not perform preventive treatment as prescribed by the Ministry of Health will lead to a life-threatening situation and can be fatal.

It should be noted that bites from wild animals should also be treated with preventive treatment as in the case of a dog bite. When bitten by wild animals, animals should be caught immediately for testing; when there is a negative result for rabies, preventive treatment can be stopped. If the wound is caused by a rodent or other animal, the medical facility may consider appointing a rabies vaccination without the need for a rabies serum. The use of rabies vaccines and rabies-resistant serum must comply with the guidelines recommended by manufacturers of vaccines and medical bio-products licensed by the Ministry of Health for use in our country.