Publications Britannica encyclopedia stopped publishing

After 244 years of circulation, the famous Britannica encyclopedia will no longer be present in print form.

The announcement on March 14 by the company Encyclopaedia Britannica said it will focus on expanding the digital publication market share to adapt to the increasing competition from websites like Wikipedia.

Picture 1 of Publications Britannica encyclopedia stopped publishing
Set of encyclopedias Britannica

Founded in Scotland in 1768, Encyclopaedia Britannica has moved its headquarters to Chicago since 1935.

Britannica Encyclopedia was a prestigious publication in the bookshelf of many middle-class families in the US throughout its history.

With generations of home-based marketing, the encyclopedia brings jobs to thousands of people and once sold more than 100,000 sets in the heyday in 1990.

According to the BBC, currently, 85% of Encyclopaedia Britannica's revenue comes from selling products online. Recently, the company introduced a digitized version of the encyclopedia for tablets.

'Revenue from encyclopedias is insignificant for many years. We know this is going to happen , 'said Chairman Encyclopaedia Britannica Jorge Cauz.