The tallest man in the world has stopped ... big

The tallest man in the world has stopped growing because treatments to reduce growth hormone have shown signs of success.

Sultan Kosen, who holds a record of 2.5m in height, has a tumor in the pituitary gland, causing the growth hormone to be released too much. So Kosen keeps growing but his life is also threatened.

In 2010, Kosen left Turkey for treatment at the University of Virginia Medical Center (USA).

A 29-year-old patient suffers from both excessive and extreme growth. The forehead, lower jaw of the person with gingivitis often protrudes, and the limbs are very long.

Unusually high growth hormone levels are life-threatening, which can lead to heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure and an increased risk of colon cancer. Kosen suffered from vertebral deformity so he had to walk with crutches, Dr. Mary Lee Vance treated Kosen.

Picture 1 of The tallest man in the world has stopped ... big
The world's tallest man took pictures with them
The doctor is treating you.(Source: Livesience)

In Turkey, Kosen had surgery several times to remove the tumor, but it was still completely removed.

Dr. Vance has changed the way of treatment without intervention when using radiation to focus on the tumor.

During the treatment at the Center, Kosen's special patient also held a special regime, as the doctors had to pair the beds together just enough for him to sleep.

Guinness world record records Kosen is the largest man alive. Historically, only 10 cases have been recorded, reaching a height of more than 2.4 meters.