The tragic ending of the world's tallest man

Nearly 3m led to a loss of sensation in his legs, Robert Wadlow did not realize he was injured and died at the age of 22.

With a height of 2.72m, Robert Wadlow is recognized as ever. However, his life is not only short-lived but also sadly ending.

Picture 1 of The tragic ending of the world's tallest man
Robert Wadlow owns the most " tall " height in the world.(Photo: All That Is Interesting).

According to Allthatsinteresting, Robert Wadlow was born on February 22, 1918. At that time, the boy weighed 3.9kg does not seem unusual. Soon after, Robert began to grow as fast as he could.

One year old, Robert is 1m tall and weighs 20kg. When he was 8 years old, he passed 1.8m and by 13 years, he reached 2.24m. By the time he graduated from high school, Robert was 2.54 meters tall.

Through tests, doctors concluded that Robert's pituitary developed too much, causing a surge in hormone levels. For this reason, the boy's body kept growing uncontrollably.

Picture 2 of The tragic ending of the world's tallest man
Robert is with his relatives.In the family, only he is mutant.(Photo: All That Is Interesting).

In 1936, Robert was discovered by the Ringling Brothers circus. The bosses said that he would bring great repertoire so he tried to call. Robert nodded in agreement and quickly became a star.

Following the success in the cinema, in 1938, Robert became the face of the International Shoe Company. Thanks to that, he had the opportunity to travel around the world.

When he was not busy performing or advertising, Robert lived quite calmly. With his gentle and polite nature, he was nicknamed "a giant" by his family and friends . In his free time, Robert played guitar and practiced photography.

Besides the exciting experience, Robert's life met many difficulties. As a child, he had to use a special table every time he went to class. Robert has almost no friends, only plays with his children. Besides, houses, public places and general items are not for oversized people like Robert so he is always struggling with everyday activities.

Picture 3 of The tragic ending of the world's tallest man
Due to his oversized body, Robert had to use a special table.(Photo: All That Is Interesting).

In particular, Robert lost his sensation in his lower limbs. To go straight, he needed the help of braces, but this device took away the young man's life.

In 1940, due to the tight ring of braces, Robert's legs were festering. When he realized that the wound had a serious infection, the doctor had to give blood transfusions and emergency surgery. Unfortunately, Robert's immune system is too weak.

On July 15, 1940, "kind giant" died while sleeping. Before 18 days, the last health check showed that he was 2.72m tall and weighed 220kg. Robert rested in the coffin weighing 453kg and needed 18 new men to float.